A different perspective on that matter is independently presented in 'Action Models'. 'Epistemic Actions' introduces a generalization of public announcement logic to more complex epistemic actions. Many interesting applications are also presented in this chapter: a form of cryptography for ideal agents also known as 'the russian cards problem', the sum-and-product riddle, etc. 'Public Announcements' is a detailed and comprehensive introduction into the logic of knowledge to which dynamic operators for truthful public announcement are added.
'Belief Revision' is an overview on how to model belief revision, both in the 'traditional' way and in a dynamic epistemic setting.

'Epistemic Logic' is an overview of multi-agent epistemic logic - the logic of knowledge - including modal operators for groups, such as general and common knowledge. The chapter 'Introduction' informs the reader about the history of the subject, and its relation to other disciplines. The book also contains exercises including answers and is eminently suitable for graduate courses in logic.Ī sweeping chapter-wise outline of the content of this book is the following. Concrete examples and epistemic puzzles enliven the exposition. This book provides various logics to support such formal specifications, including proof systems. This is not about one logical system, but about a whole family of logics that allows us to specify static and dynamic aspects of multi-agent systems. Dynamic Epistemic Logic is the logic of knowledge change.